GBE found the relax of headroom from PNAP has posed many difficulties to conduct professional inspection to above high ceiling. We made ourselves accessible with our own rising platform and wifi endoscope. Usually the drainage which poses the hygienic alert is hide above. Our way can ease many people pain.
GBE believes an in-depth research is always prior to talk and showoff. There are some urban sites left undeveloped and the entire investment becomes distressed. Professional Survey or PM should be able to draw the attention to the underground land strata which has been resumed by Hong Kong government.
KPDO enjoys much this investment appraisal. With Pro. Surveyor and local Architect , the appraisal empowers much meaningful findings like future layout; market segment; asset “wow” factor; accessibility; historical building site upside; program to turn around …..
GBE gives the relief to stunning structural frame of the premises with careful position the signage going along the row of large glaze window panes wall. Adopt the minor work approach cum design trick for fast turn – round.
Painting products is a complex chemical product. The chemical process of paint film are vulnerable to the elements, humidity, solvent and craftsmanship. If the painting materials are contaminated, the mixing of solvent is incorrect proportionally, the drying condition and elements are unfavourable, the entire subsequent painting film drying process will become unpredictable.
GBE reads the Propertyweek. GBE lead Austin Avenue project and have known many buildings in Hong Kong usually was not built with extra E-power; not with adequate ventilation ducting. Worse still, the louvres provision are limited by the pre-dominated needs for beautiful windows and the clear headroom is typically low for better GFA. This makes health sector be difficult to find right premises even this asset class is deemed to be the resilient and perform well in R.O.E.
There are a ranges of terms from “Usable Floor Area / space – UFA , “Saleable Area – SA ” , “Gross Floor Area – GFA “, ” Internal Floor Area – IFA” , “Common Area – CA”, “Lettable Area – LA ” and “Construction Floor Area – CFA” to describe and present the “area” of the space in numerical way. The confusion of amongst these terms stems from the different definition of their respective legal context, code of practice and the application. In short, “Usable Floor Area” is originated from Buildings Ordinance for population estimation in a proposed space whereas the Saleable area is for property conveyance in First Hand sale. The “Common Area” is the idea coming from Deed of Mutual Covenant and Building Management Ordinance. On the contrary, “Construction Floor Area” is for construction cost estimation and this area covers also the ceiling and wall face area.
Hong Kong Institute of Surveyor has published the “Code of Measuring Practice” MPracticeCode-199903 (1) There has laid some quick understanding to the “area”.
residential area of the city at dusk,bird’s eye view
GBE keeps abreast with market. Share-office markets appears to be crashed by pandemic. The capex injection for asset enhancement in return for future uplifting the accrual income in book apparently does not work. Office conversion to shared space involving right layout design, positioning the openable window, IT infrastructure, air treatment and circulation, Fireman staircase interchange, Beverage corner, right billboard, right elevator access and washroom facilities. These are all inter-acting factors for successful operation from Professional Building Surveyor
Mingtiandi reported Softbank pulled out from WE-WORK india
Bloomberg reported 23 April
GBE sees “feasibility study” as an integrated part of any overall development project. GBE delivers the following “core” analysis in the Feasibility study
Planning restriction and opportunity review
Preliminary sketches highlighting key technical considerations in the proposal
Program and Turn Around timeline
Statutory compliance and hurdles involved
Capex, Budget, and cost calculations
Delivery strategy and the procurement method
Technical risk analysis
GBE also provides advice in the following areas for feasibility studies to tailor to the needs of fund manager/developer/individual/organization
Commercial factors and statistics
Practical usage by tenants or users
Maintenance of property;
Investment exit strategy;
Suitable Holding period from a technical perspective
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