Our Project Hailed in the News #7

GBE is glad to be appointed again for the luxury residential apartments in Happy Valley. This project is the Professional call.

Being the Professional Surveyor / AP / RSE, a very technical and holistic approach to mastering of the old design code against the current enforceable standard prevailing in the town.

With the aid of BIM uses, the drawing generation, spatial survey, crash analysis are all in place to lever up the entire quality of services.

Welcome enquiry from the you

Professional Building Surveyor dealt with damaged building column

What a shame when million of money has spent with tons of supervision and ends up the concrete quality like below picture.

While much says were casted on the deficiency supervision, GBE wants to highight how a professional approach should be to handle and redo the concrete columns. How to contain the damage ? how to maintain and bring back the right supporting structure ? What should be done right once and for all. See the video.

Our Project Hailed in the News #6

When out-of-box idea meets GBE, GBE can always turn into reality and yielding asset. The aged building at its 70’s has transformed into modern contemporary look building with all Fire safety, electrical, transportation, structural loading and interior design all well done. Welcome enquiry and you may find more of this interesting upgrading in our website

Our Project Hailed in the News #5

GBE has positioned the entire property by un-lock the potential through town planning application. GBE leads the team in formulate the section 16, compile the technical consideration and smoothing the transaction process with buyer. The whole property potential is highly visable and realistic for potential buyer.

What we said about “subletting” in semi-government property have proved correct – Lesson Learnt

SCMP – 06TH JUNE 2022 – PAGE A5


The news today in SCMP referred . The HKSTP has confirmed failed to take reasonable step for controlling the lessee from sub-letting to 2nd or third tier of leasee. For us, it was not surprised , when we firstly highlighted the issue of mini-storage , shared office , co-working space which are all featured with 3rd tier of leasee in the lease structure, we have made notice to the issue about subletting down drifting the lease structure. Honestly, this kind of issue won’t be materialistic in private property like many in urban area, but it becomes profoundly sharp in the organisation such as HKSTP or probably other similar organisation which are duty-bound to some mission pushed forward by Government. To exemplify, we foresee the place such as West Kowloon Cultural area, Cyber port , Productive council ,…. may be in the rader.

More to discuss later



Hong Kong Surveyor in Australia Residential Projects with BIM

Great news to our industry. We have successfully extended our professional foot-print to Australia market. With the BIM technology backup and the Professional Knowledge, the residential projects has been accelerated from ground works, drainage works and now to timber structure. We are now in the process of window frame installation , which is posited in the cavity wall.

The land administration system there is alike to other commonwealth countries , where GBE has rided on similar system in UK. The country of the sub-urban took lead on the development control and impose the development constraint varying to the prevailing policy. They pose heavy emphasis to waste management , vehicles control and water supply system. Thus, when we entered into the Building permit stage, all the prerequisite requirement must meet the schematic approval .

The picture below is the ground sub-structure together with the drainage downpipe. The 2nd picture is the erection of the timber structure in pre-designed lattice form. To attain the insulation performance, cavity wall will be in place.

Picture 1

Picture 1


Picture 2



Hong Kong Surveyor in Overseas Project in today Pandemic

Though we are restricted travelling these day, the advanced telecommunication and BiM Technology has taken us far digitally.

Being a Hong Kong Surveyor, we are glad to participate in one small scale development project in Australia, a market where experienced a lot of upsurging in last 2 years.

From the professional perspective , the planning control there is highly similar to what we have practicing in Hong Kong . Indeed, the planning condition from local Australia Government has tightened and deepened control on both the construction details as well. The project program is usually short given the construction complexity is lower , but the distorted global supply chain and the shortage of labour there are hitting the progress.

Like Hong Kong and UK, there are Building control after the planning permission, but the Australian government is running the private sector manning the private sector . Developer, usually the professional Builder, will deploy the Building Surveyor to check and sign off the plan. Given the honest system, and accountability of the Surveyor upheld, there are usually sometime a conflicting view between the Builder’s and Surveyors. Well, a water running under the bridge at the end.

My office is glad to be the surveyor from Hong Kong to oversee the entire development. We have applied the latest BiM to showcase the design, progress and program. Though we were restricted going there , we mastered the entire progress at this moment. Good luck to us

(Sorry for all not be able to disclose more under NDA)